27.03.2017 Mexico City & 29.03.2017 Puebla
1. Pure morning [MEXICO CITY]
2. LLL
3. Jesus son
4. Soulmates
5. Special needs [MEXICO CITY]
6. Lazarus [PUEBLA]
7.Too many friends [MEXICO CITY]
8.20 years [PUEBLA]
9.I know
10. Devil in the details
11.Space monkey [PUEBLA]
12. Exit wounds [MEXICO CITY]
13. Protect me from what I want [MEXICO CITY]
14. Without you I?m nothing [ MEXICO CITY ]
15. 36 degrees
16. Lady of the flowers
17.For what it?s worth
18.Slave to the wage
19. Special K
20.Song to say goodbye
21.The bitter end
22. Teenage angst [PUEBLA]
23.Nancy boy
24.Infra red
25.Running up that hill
27.03.2017 Mexico City
29.03.2017 Puebla
31.03.2017 Monterrey Pal Norte Festival
1. Pure morning [VIDEO]
2. LLL
3. Jesus son
4.Too many friends
5.20 years [VIDEO]
6. Exit wounds
7.For what it?s worth [VIDEO]
8.Slave to the wage
9. Special K [VIDEO]
10.Song to say goodbye
11.The bitter end
12.Nancy boy
13.Infra red
14.Running up that hill
01.04.2017 Guadalajara Roxy Festival
1. Pure morning
2. LLL
3. Jesus son
4. Soulmates
5. Special needs
6.Too many friends
7.20 years
8.For what it?s worth
9.Slave to the wage
10. Special K
11.Song to say goodbye
12.The bitter end
13.Nancy boy
14.Infra red
15.Running up that hill