Exit Wounds
In the arms of another
Who doesn’t mean anything to you
There’s nothing much to discover
Does he shake, does he shiver
As he sidles up to you
Like I did in my time
As you wake, does he smother
You in kisses long and true
Does he even think to bother
And at night under covers
As he’s sliding into you
Does it set your sweat on fire
Want you so bad I can taste it
But you’re nowhere to be found
I’ll take a drug to replace it
Or put me in the ground
In the arms of another
Who doesn’t mean anything to you
Do you lose yourself in wonder
If I could, I would hover
While he’s making love to you
Making rain as I cry
Want you so bad I can taste it
But you’re nowhere to be found
And I’ll take a drug to replace it
Or put me in the ground
Want you so bad I can taste it
But you’re nowhere to be found
And I’ll take a drug to replace it
Or put me in the ground
Put me in the ground
And put me in the ground
Put me in the ground
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