Spatial awareness
So much confusion
And it’s so difficult to harness
But then I look at you
Nimble and righteous
And then I look at the floor
We made a fine mess
My kiss
Can you feel it yet?
In the back of your legs
And on the nape of your neck
Are you a temple?
Are you a temptress?
There’s too much choice
The possibilities are endless
So wash away my sins
Give me catharsis
And re-magnetize
My moral compass
My kiss
Can you feel it yet?
In the back of your legs
And on the nape of your neck
Your touch
Well I cannot regret
I love the shape of your mouth
And the back of your head
You are so my kind
Erotic and divine
I gotta testify
To how you purify
To me you’re more than a human
You are more complex
You?re like a fallen angel
Who uses God as a hex
My kiss
Can you feel it yet?
In the back of your legs
And on the nape of your neck
Your touch
Well I cannot regret
I love the shape of your mouth
And the back of your head
You are so my kind
Erotic and divine
I gotta testify
To how you purify
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