I love you more than any man
But something’s getting in the way
I do you harm because I can
For the second time today
Victims we are not of happenstance
But you’re a victim all the same
Stuck inside a circumstance
With your confusion and your blame
And when I get drunk
You take me home
And keep me safe
From harm
When I get drunk
You take me home
I ask you for another second chance
But then I drink it all away
And I get bellicose when you react
Full of frustration and dismay
I was so delicate when we began
So tender when I spoke your name
But now I’m nothing but a partisan
To my compulsion and my shame
And when I get drunk
You take me home
And keep me safe
From harm
When I get drunk
You take me home
You know I’m grateful
I appreciate
But in fact it’s baleful
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
I love you more than any man
But I seem to lay it all to waste
I do you harm because I can
With a joke in questionable taste
I’ve such duplicity at my command
So I keep on lying to your face
Then I run away to Wonderland
And disappear without a trace
When I get drunk
You take me home
And keep me safe
From harm
When I get drunk
You take me home
You know I’m grateful
I appreciate
But in fact is baleful
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
How I suck you dry
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