data wydania: 17.07.1996
Placebo – CD / Vinyl
1. Come Home
2. Teenage Angst
3. Bionic
4. 36 Degrees
5. Hang On To Your IQ
6. Nancy Boy
7. I Know
8. Bruise Pristine
9. Lady Of The Flowers
10. Swallow
11. H.K. Farewell (Hidden Track)
Placebo – CD + DVD
1. Come Home
2. Teenage Angst
3. Bionic
4. 36 Degrees
5. Hang On To Your IQ
6. Nancy Boy
7. I Know
8. Bruise Pristine
9. Lady Of The Flowers
10. Swallow
11.Paycheck (Demo)
12. Flesh Mechanic (Demo)
13. Drowning By Numbers
14. Slackerbitch
15. H K Farewell
DVD: Come Home (Alexandra Palace 11.04.06). Teeange angst (The big breakfast 29.08.96). Nancy boy (Top of the pops 31.01.97). Lady of Flowers (Glastonbury Festival 27.06.98). Teenage angst (The white room 23.08.96). Bruise Pristine (Top of the pops 23.05.97). 36 Degrees (Wembley Arena 05.11.04). 36 Degrees (video). Teenage angst (video). Nancy boy (video). Bruise pristine (video).
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