Begin The End
Look me in the eye, say that again
Take me to your chest and let me in
Give me mouth to mouth and make amends
Knock me off my feet like heroin
No need to disguise or to pretend
Don’t misconstrue and don’t misapprehend
There’s nothing left, no fortress to defend
Tonight’s the night that we begin the end, oh
You and I kept looking to transcend
The fact that I was breaking to your bend
But this is now and sadly that was then
Tonight’s the night that we begind the end, oh
And I tried, God knows I tried
But there’s nothing you can do to change my mind
I tried, God knows I tried
But there’s nothing you can do to change my mind
And I don’t enjoy to watch you crumble
I don’t enjoy to watch you cry
But make no mistake
Make no mistake
Look me in the eye, say that again
Blame me for the sorry state you’re in
It’s not my fault if you can’t comprehend
That tonight’s the night that we begin the end, oh
And I tried, God knows I tried
But there’s nothing you can do to change my mind
And I tried, God knows I tried
But there’s nothing you can do to change my mind
And I don’t enjoy to watch you crumble
I don’t enjoy to watch you cry
I don’t enjoy to watch you crumble
I don’t enjoy to watch you cry
But make no mistake
Make no mistake
Look me in the eye, say that again
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